Geschichte von Gunnlaug Schlangenzunge, Die
Year: 1937
Translator: Wyl, Karl de
Language: German
Information: iGefin út af Ensslin & Laiblin í Reutkingen 1937 (Bunte Bücher, 256), 32 bls.
Geschichte von Halfdan, dem Schützling der Brana, Die
Year: 2009
Translator: Kruse, Mathias
Language: German
Information: iTexti samhliða á íslensku og þýsku
Geschichte von Hrolf Kraki, Die
Year: 1905
Translator: Herrmann, Paul
Language: German
Information: iEfni: Hrólfs saga kraka, Bjarkamál.
Geschichte von Un der Weisen und ihrer Sippe. Ein altisländischer Siedler- und Heldenroman
Year: 1938
Translator: Rüttgers, Severin
Language: German
Information: iGefin út af Weltz í Langensalza. 221 bls.
Geschichten aus Thule. Íslendingasögur in Übersetzungen deutscher Germanisten
Year: 1994
Translator: Mendelssohn, Erich von; Neckel, Gustav
Language: German
Information: iBeiheft (49 p. ; 14 x 21 cm.) containing the text of Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða with, in parallel columns, the German translations of Gustav Neckel and Erich von Mendelsohn, as well as the Icelandic original. Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral--Freie Universität Berlin, 1992.
Gilves acumalds
Year: 1997
Translator: Bērziņš, Uldis
Language: Latvian
Information: iGylfaginning (endursögn).
Gisle Surssons saga
Year: 1945
Translator: Mjöberg, Josua
Language: Swedish
Information: iEndurútg. 1958 og 1962.
Gisle Surssons saga
Year: 1985
Translator: Henriksen, Vera
Language: Norwegian
Information: iEndursögn og þýðing. Endurútgefin 1988 af Den Norske bokklubben
Gisle Surssons saga
Year: 1993
Translator: Malm, Mats
Language: Swedish
Information: iEndurútg. 1994 og í ljósprentaðri útgáfu 2004
Gisle Surssons saga
Year: 1994
Translator: Malm, Mats
Language: Swedish
Information: i1. útgáfa 1993 og gefin út í ljósprentaðri útgáfu 2004
Gisle Surssons Saga
Year: 2004
Translator: Malm, Mats
Language: Swedish
Information: iLjósprentun af 1. útgáfu 1993
Gisle Surssøns Saga
Year: 1859
Translator: Steingrímur Thorsteinsson
Language: Danish
Information: iÚrtak úr Nord og Syd
Gisle Surssøns saga
Year: 1988
Translator: Gall Jørgensen, Keld
Language: Danish
Information: iEndurprentuð nokkrum sinnum, m.a. 1995
Gisli der Geächtete
Year: 1925
Translator: Meyn, Ludwig
Language: German
Information: iÍ ritröðinni Bauern und Helden, Geschichten aus Alt-Island, 4.b. Endurútgefin 1938.
Gisli der Geächtete. Eine altgermanische Geschichte von Heldentrotz und Gattentreue
Year: 1894
Translator: Khull, Ferdinand
Language: German
Information: iEndursögn. Fyrsta útgáfa prentuð í Vín 1893.
Gisli Sursson´s Saga and The Saga of the People of Eyri
Year: 2003
Translator: Quinn, Judy; Regal, Martin S.
Language: English
Information: iÞessar þýðingar birtust fyrst í "The Complete Sagas of Icelanders, Including 49 Tales", 1997
Gisli und Aud: Eine germanische Bauerngeschichte von Ehre und Schicksal
Year: 1939
Translator: Lohrmann, Heinrich-Friedrich
Language: German
Information: iGefin út í Langensalza af J. Beltz.