Northern antiquities, or an historical account of the manners, customs, religion and laws, maritime expeditions and discoveries, language and literature of the ancient Scandinavians (Danes, Swedes, Norwegians and Icelanders)

Ár: 1847
Tungumál: Á ensku
Upplýsingar: i

Efni: Úrdráttur úr Eyrbyggja sögu, Snorra-Edda: Gylfaginning. 1. útg. 1770, 2. útg. 1809. - Endurútg. 1859, 1878, 1887, 1890, 1898 og 1902 (Rev. throughout, and considerably enlarged).
  • [Kormáks saga] , bls. 321-339 , Endursögn.
    Kormáks saga
  • Abstract of the Eyrbyggjasaga , bls. 517-540 , Þýðandi: Scott, Walter
    Eyrbyggja saga
  • The Prose Edda (Gylfa-ginning) , bls. 398-463 , Fry segir þýðinguna óáreiðanlega. (Donald K. Fry: Norse Sagas Translated into English. A Bibliography, 1980, bls. 13.) , Þýðandi: Blackwell, I.A.