Idunna: A Journal of Northern Tradition

Year: 1988-
Language: English

  • För Skírnis , 2:1 (1989), bls. 36-40 , Translator: Chisholm, James
    Eddukvæði, Skírnismál
  • Sörla þáttr; Tales from the Flateyjarbók VI: The Tale of Sorli , 8 (1990), bls. 6; 87 (2011): bls. 25-29; 91 (2012): bls. 14-19. , Brot þýtt af James Chisholm í Idunna, vol. 2, no.4 (issue no. 8; April 1990), bls. 6. Annað þýtt af Ben Waggoner. , Translator: Chisholm, James; Waggoner, Ben
    Sörla þáttur
  • Tales from Flateyjarbók X: The Tale of Thidrandi and Thorhall , 101 (2014), bls. 29-33 , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Þiðranda þáttur og Þórhalls
  • Tales from the Flateyjarbok II: The Tale of Toki Tokason , 82 (2009), bls. 11-13 , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Tóka þáttur Tókasonar
  • Tales from the Flateyjarbók I: The Tale of Styrbjorn , 81(2009), bls. 24-28 , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Styrbjarnar þáttur Svíakappa
  • Tales from the Flateyjarbók III: Thor versus King Olaf Tryggvason , 83(2010), bls. 21-24 , Brot. , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Rögnvalds þáttur og Rauðs
  • Tales from the Flateyjarbók IV: The Spae-Man in Stone , 84(2010), bls. 19-23 , Brot. "This is slightly mistitled; the text of Þorvalds þáttr ens víðförla that I used is not from Flateyjarbók, but came from the version of Ólafs saga Tryggvasonar in Mesta found in AM 61." (höf.) , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Þorvalds þáttur víðförla
  • Tales from the Flateyjarbók IX: The Death of Þormóð Kolbrúnarskald , 99 (2014), bls. 29-34 , Brot úr sögunni. , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Fóstbræðra saga
  • Tales from the Flateyjarbók V: The Tale of Gunnar Half-and-Half , 85(2010), bls. 35-38 , Brot. , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Ögmundar þáttur dytts
  • Tales from the Flateyjarbók VII: The Tale of Olaf Geirstad-Alf , 95(2013), bls. 12-17 , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Ólafs þáttur Geirstaðaálfs
  • The Groagaldr , 1:4 (1989), bls. 20-29 , Translator: Chisholm, James
    Eddukvæði, Grógaldur
  • The Saga of Asmund Champions' Bane , 92(2012), bls. 16-20; 97(2013), bls. 7-12 , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Ásmundar saga kappabana
  • The Saga of King Half and his Warband , 105 (2015), bls. 12-15 , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Hálfs saga og Hálfsrekka
  • The Sons of Fornjot , 79(2009), bls. 5-10 , Brot. , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Hversu Noregur byggðist
  • The Tale of Brand the Generous , 106 (2015), bls. 20 , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Brands þáttur örva
  • The Tale of Ragnar's Sons , 78 (2008), bls. 13-18; 80 (2009), bls. 16-23 , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Ragnarssona þáttur
  • The Tale of the Saga-Wise Icelander , 106 (2015), bls. 21 , Translator: Waggoner, Ben
    Þorsteins þáttur sögufróða
  • The Volva Spae: A Sonorous Translation of the Völuspá , 92 (2012), bls. 12-15 , Brot? , Translator: Chisholm, James
    Eddukvæði, Völuspá
  • Völsa þáttr; Tales from the Flateyjarbók VIII: The Tale of Völsi , 8 (1990), bls. 7-12; 96 (2013), bls. 7-12 , Völsa þáttur þýddur af James Chisholm í Idunna, vol. 2, no. 4 (issue no. 8; April 1990). Þýðingin frá 2013 er eftir Ben Waggoner. , Translator: Chisholm, James; Waggoner, Ben
    Völsa þáttur